Your eLearning resolutions for 2011

It’s that time of year again, New Year is fast approaching and there is an atmosphere of ‘new beginnings’ and ‘fresh starts’ stirring in the air. There is not quite the snow that some of us might be used to at this time of year, but it is raining outside…

XpertLearning have a few New Years resolutions of our own but we are blogging today about helping you make a few. We have tasked ourselves with offering up several learning and development resolutions that are easy to commit to and a cinch to achieve!

The chances are your business has some great learning tools at its disposal but is your audience aware of this? The workforce will be busy getting their jobs done and may need a reminder that learning and training tools are at their disposal. This is our first resolution! Send a short email reminding your workforce that these tools are available and remind them of the opportunity they have to improve their knowledge on the job. If you are one of our SkillSoft customers you will have access to the Client Community where you will find dozens of proven campaigns to use and apply within your own organisation! If you don’t know about this, give your dedicated account manager a quick call!

We have seen a growing trend within our clients of tying eLearning activities to business outcomes and using eLearning as a solution not just a tool. By framing your business’ eLearning activities into a context you will achieve a higher level of knowledge transfer into their jobs. Resolution number 2!

Finally, and perhaps the easiest to achieve is marketing. Commit to completing at least one marketing activity a month. This involves being creative (use your marketing team if necessary…). Highlight new courses, request learner feedback and share the successes of your eLearning initiatives. The cost of doing this is minimal and again we can help you with the templates and ideas. If you are feeling a little more adventurous we have plenty of other marketing ideas to share with you too. That’s number 3!

We wish you all a very prosperous New Year and look forward to seeing you all again soon at one of our events. We will keep you posted on the dates. If you would like to suggest further resolutions please use the comments below!

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