Navigating the Tech Skill Landscape

Technology Skills

Since the inception of the tech industry, the industry’s growth has been on the rise. The World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs report shows that over 85% of organizations surveyed believe that increased adoption of new and frontier technologies will most likely drive transformation in their organizations in the next five years. The same report states that more than 75% of companies are seeking to adopt technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and AI in the next five years. 

But do organizations’ talent forces have the necessary skills to capitalize on these technologies? To overcome this hurdle, organizations are investing in upskilling their workforce’s digital and tech skills.  However, the vast array of available tech competencies can be overwhelming. This article aims to demystify the tech skills landscape, empowering you to make informed decisions for your team’s and organization’s success

The Tech Skills Landscape

In today’s tech-driven world, an abundance of tech certifications exists, showcasing the vast spectrum of skills individuals can acquire. However, amidst this plethora of options, it’s crucial to recognize that each skill serves a distinct purpose. Therefore, the key lies in understanding what these skills empower you to achieve. Here, we explore the top broad categories of tech skills:

1). Mobile App Development: 

Mobile app development skills encompass a range of abilities that enable you to create, enhance, and maintain mobile applications that can be downloaded from any mobile phone’s app store. 

Although mobile app developers possess the same skills as backend developers such as framework design, database management, API integration, etc., there are some additional skills they must have to be able to create user-intuitive functioning applications. These skills are:

  • Mobile Platform Knowledge: While web developers primarily focus on web browsers, mobile developers must understand the intricacies of iOS (for Apple devices) and Android (for Google devices). 
  • User Interface (UI) Design for Small Screens: Mobile developers need to have the skills necessary to create interfaces optimized for smaller screens. Such skills include considerations of touch gestures, screen resolutions, and responsiveness.
  • App Store Guidelines and Submission Process: Mobile developers must know the guidelines for preparing their apps for submission on the App Store (Apple) and Google Play Store (Android).
  • Offline Functionality: Mobile apps often need to function offline. Mobile developers need the skills to implement local storage, caching, and synchronization mechanisms.
  • Hardware Integration: Mobile apps utilize device features like GPS, camera, accelerometer, and gyroscope. Developers must understand how to access and use these features.
  • Performance Optimization: Mobile apps run on resource-constrained devices. Developers optimize memory usage, minimize battery drain, and ensure smooth performance.
  • App Security: Mobile developers must have the skills to address security concerns specific to mobile platforms to protect user data, handle authentication, and prevent vulnerabilities.
  • Cross-Platform Development: If you would like to build apps for both iOS and Android simultaneously, you may need to learn the use of cross-platform tools like React Native or Flutter.


2). Data Science and Analytics: 

These skills enable you to generate valuable insights from big amounts of data faster and with higher accuracy. They are useful in business analysis, scientific studies, and AI solutions. Many skills can help you excel in this specialization such as:

  • Programming Languages: These languages such as Python and R are used for data manipulation, analysis, and modeling. 
  • Statistics and Probability: Understanding statistical concepts like linear regression, hypothesis testing, and probability distributions helps you build accurate models and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Data Wrangling and Database Management: You will need these skills to clean, organize, extract, transform, and load data into suitable formats for analysis.
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Applying machine learning algorithms helps you predict outcomes, classify data, and uncover patterns.
  • Data Visualization: Mastery of tools such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Tableau helps you communicate the data more clearly.
  • Big Data Technologies: Familiarity with tools like Hadoop, Spark, and NoSQL databases helps you handle large-scale data.


3). Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence:

Machine learning skills enable you to program systems to use the insights attained from data analysis to make predictions; artificial intelligence, on the other hand, involves programming these systems to take actions according to these predictions. To succeed in this field, you need a mix of mathematical and technical skills, such as:

  • Probability and Statistics: These form the foundation for many ML algorithms.
  • Linear Algebra: It will help you understand transformations and operations on data.
  • Graph Theory: It is relevant for certain AI applications.
  • Programming Languages: The most widely used in AI are Python, Java, C++, Julia, and R.
  • Neural Network Architecture: You will need to understand different architectures and their applications.
  • Deep Learning: You should familiarize yourself with deep neural networks and techniques like backpropagation.
  • Big Data and Distributed Computing: These will help you handle large datasets efficiently.

Cloud computing

4). Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing enables you to deploy applications, databases, and services on cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Whether you need more storage, computing power, or bandwidth, these cloud platforms enable you to scale your server usage up or down on demand. With these platforms, you rent server space instead of owning it, which enables flexible scaling with less cost and more efficiency. 

Here is a list of the top skills you need to succeed in cloud computing:

  • Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, and R are foundational for cloud software development. Proficiency in these languages allows you to build and manage applications effectively.
  • Cloud Service Platforms: You need to understand the differences between the major platforms to advise on the best platform for any application. The major platforms are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. 
  • Database Management: You need to master cloud databases such as NoSQL, relational databases, and data warehousing to manipulate data efficiently.
  • Linux: Coding on Linux, an open-source operating system, helps you work with cloud infrastructure.
  • Security Focus: Understanding encryption, access controls, and secure practices is essential so that you can protect organizational data.
  • Networking and Infrastructure: Learning about virtual networks, subnets, and load balancers is vital for cloud architecture.
  • Automation and Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Using tools like Terraform or CloudFormation helps you automate infrastructure provisioning.


5). Cybersecurity:

Considering that 66% of organizations reported being targeted by ransomware in 2023 alone, cybersecurity skills are essential for safeguarding digital systems and data and protecting them from threats. There are many technical competencies that cybersecurity professionals need to have. Here are some of the key skills:

  • Scripting: Scripting with Python and PowerShell allows you to efficiently analyze data and respond to security incidents.
  • Controls and Frameworks: It will help you to have an awareness of the common cybersecurity frameworks like NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), ISO (International Organization for Standardization), CIS (Center for Information Security), and SOC 2 (System and Organization Controls 2).
  • Intrusion Detection: Tools such as SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems), and IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems) help you monitor network activity. 
  • Incident Response: You must know how to handle security incidents promptly, covering investigation, containment, and recovery.
  • Cloud Security: You need to learn how to secure cloud environments to protect data, manage access controls, and address cloud-specific threats.
  • Networking and System Administration: Understanding network protocols, firewalls, and system configurations helps you secure infrastructure.
  • Malware Prevention and Analysis: You need to know how to recognize the different types of malware, analyze their behavior, and implement preventive measures.
  • Risk Management: You need to know how to assess risks, prioritize vulnerabilities, and develop mitigation strategies.
  • Encryption and Cryptography: You must know encryption algorithms, digital signatures, and secure communication protocols.


6). Networking:

Computer networking skills are essential for designing, implementing, and maintaining efficient communication systems between different devices. Here are some of the technical competencies that network engineers need to possess: 

  • Linux: As a network engineer, you will use Linux in installing and configuring servers to provide email and internet access, supporting system administration for Linux servers, and implementing Linux and Windows solutions for business applications.
  • Network Troubleshooting: This skill enables you to identify and resolve issues with computer networks. 
  • Ethernet: Understanding ethernet protocols, cable types, and network topologies helps you in configuring and troubleshooting local area networks (LANs).
  • TCP/IP: You need to grasp the layers, addressing, and routing of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
  • Switches and Routers: Network engineers must know how switches and routers function.
  • Network Devices: Knowledge of firewalls, load balancers, access points, and other network hardware.
  • Network Infrastructure: You must have a grasp of network architecture, protocols, and components, including WANs (wide area networks) and VLANs (virtual LANs).


Level Up the Tech Skills of Your Organization

This was a high-level dissection of the tech skills landscape. The tech environment is in constant evolution. If you’re interested in keeping your talent force abreast of all the latest tech updates, upskill them now. To learn more, Click Here.



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