Microsoft and ICDL training (ARABIC)
GOPAS is a provider of highly interactive e-learning courses for Office Computer Skills training. Courses on Microsoft Office 2013 and 2010, ICDL and Windows 7 are available in the English, Arabic, German, French, Czech and Slovak localisations.
GOPAS develops e-learning courses from 2002. The course authors and instructional designers take advantage of more than 20 years of GOPAS experience as largest IT training provider in the Central Europe.
The courses are designed for corporate training, continuing education and retraining. They are available in the form compatible with Learning Management Systems (AICC or SCORM compatible), for PC installation or for online study. The courses consist of an interactive tutorial based on a simulation of the real programs, of supplementary exercises, brief quiz for reinforcing of the acquired knowledge and of an extensive final test at the end of the course.
Companies and organisations that seek to increase the know-how of a larger number of their employees, partners or customers can take advantage of variety of licensing options and volume discounts.